Bird Of Wisdom - The Raven
Óðinn, the mightiest of the Norse gods, understood the language of ravens. Huginn and Muninn (Mind and Memory) his two ravens flew far and wide to bring him news from around the world, every day. According to folklore, if a raven perched on a church cross, it was an omen of death. Various other actions by the raven could also bode death, but if treated well by humans the raven could bring good fortune. Kindness to ravens is rewarded by God.
No bird is so firmly rooted in Icelandic folk tradition as the raven, and the old folk beliefs still survive today.
Year of production: 2009
Duration: 52 min.
Director: Páll Steingrímsson
Author: Páll Steingrímsson
Camera: Friðþjófur Helgason
Editing: Ólafur Ragnar Halldórsson/ Páll Steingrímsson
Sound mixing: Ólafur Ragnar Halldórsson
Music: Þórður Högnason
Narrator Magnus Magnusson KBE
Format: HD
Ratio: 16:9
Odin, der mächtigste der altnordischen Götter, verstand die Sprache der Raben. Seine zwei Raben Huginn und Muninn (Verstand und Gedächtnis) flogen aus und brachten ihm Nachrichten aus aller Welt. Kein Vogel ist so fest in der isländischen Folklore verwurzelt wie der Rabe. Sein Verhalten könne drohendes Unheil voraussagen und wer gut zu den Raben sei, werde von Gott belohnt. Der Film zeigt faszinierende Bilder der in Island lebenden Rabenkolonien und gibt Einblicke in ihr verborgenes Familienleben.